Enrichment & Activities

We are proud of our wide-ranging enrichment programme, designed to support classroom learning and develop the confidence of our students in a range of contexts beyond the classroom. Please scroll down for full details of our weekly lunchtime & after-school enrichment offer. 

As well as weekly activities on site, we offer a range of trips both locally and internationally to broaden students' horizons. To give just a flavour, previous trips have included visiting the CERN laboratory and Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland and touring the historic monuments of Paris. 

We place great value on cultural activities and sporting pursuits. Collaborating as part of an orchestra, or pulling together in a sports team, helps develop important life skills such as teamwork and communication.

We have recently developed an allotment to inspire our students to live greener and more sustainably. Watch our videos below to find out more about our new outdoor learning resource. 

View our enrichment opportunities for 2024-25 here


Annual Pattern of Residential Trips



Year groups 

Date of most recent trip 

Date of next trip 

Most recent cost 

Y7 Paris 

Annual Activities Week 3-day trip to Paris, visiting landmarks and experiencing culture, including a day at Disneyland 

July 2023  

July 2024 



Annual Activities Week 5-day trip to a UK outdoor centre, experiencing a range of sports, water, and other outdoor challenges 

July 2023 

July 2024 



7-day trip to Orlando, including Kennedy Space Centre, astronaut training, swimming with manatees, iFly, and Universal Orlando theme parks  

9, 10 

February 2024 

February 2027 


New York 

5-day trip to New York, including Empire State Building, 9/11 Memorial, Statue of Liberty, and a Broadway show 

8, 9, 10 

Easter 2024 

Easter 2025 


Ski Trip 

7-day trip to a European ski resort, including ski instruction and apres-ski 

9, 10 

Easter 2023 

Easter 2025 



5-day trip to a European resort, including instruction and practice in a range of watersports and some sightseeing 

(New trip) 

July 2025 




4-day trip to Berlin to promote science, technology, engineering and maths 


(New trip) 

May 2026 


Camps International 

4-week trip working with vulnerable communities in countries such as Cambodia, Peru, or Tanzania, creating water supplies, community building projects, and experience trekking, snorkelling or similar activities 

10, 11 

August 2022 

August 2024 


Please note that all residential trips are run by members of staff voluntarily in their own time, and we make no guarantee that any trip will be offered again at all, nor in line with the typical frequency indicated above. This information is given as an indication of the range of opportunities which might be available to your child over five years with us, and to help with your financial planning. Where costs are given for a previous trip, due to inflation it is very likely that these would increase for any future trip.  

  • All trips are optional; we encourage all students to attend the Y7 Paris and Y8 PGL trips (although there is always an in-school alternative which is free of charge), and all others are offered on a first-come, first-served basis with typically around 30-50 places available  

  • If two trips are running in the same year (other than Paris & PGL), we will usually restrict students to attending just one, to allow as many students as possible to experience a trip 

  • Trips must be booked and paid for via MCAS  

  • Residential trips are fully chargeable (the cost is not a voluntary contribution), because more than 50% of the time spent on the trip takes place outside of the school day  

  • We offer a Pupil Premium subsidy on the Y7 Paris and Y8 PGL trips, and aim to offer discounts on other residential trips where budgets allow, but this is not always possible. We encourage parents & carers to contact the visit leader at the earliest opportunity to discuss possible subsidies, if this would otherwise be a barrier to participation.