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Careers Programme
At Hethersett Academy, we begin a student's careers journey in Year 7 where we help and support students to understand themselves, their interests, likes and dislikes, what they are good at and how this affects the choices they make. Our team helps students to find out about the local labour market, different courses, qualifications and opportunities.
For more information, email our careers team below or call 01603 810924.
Email our Careers Lead, Anna Ball
Email our Careers Advisor, Jane Emerson
Read our Provider Access Statement
Careers Information
Careers education and guidance programmes make a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. A planned progressive programme of activities supports them in choosing pathways that suit their interests and abilities and help them to follow a career path and sustain employability throughout their working lives. Careers education is provided through a varied and comprehensive programme throughout years 7-11. Students take part through small group careers and labour market information sessions, assemblies, tutor time, guest speakers, virtual experiences, work experience and 1:1 advice and guidance. A qualified Level 6 Careers Advisor is available on site a minimum of one day of every week. All Year 11 pupils are provided with at least one face-to-face interview to assist with post-16 guidance and applications and further appointments are made available for those pupils when additional support is required. We are always looking for facilitators from Industry who can attend our events, provide careers talks and work with students on activities based around their industry and different careers paths. If you are a business wanting to create links with schools and work with young people, then we’d love to hear from you. This information will be updated yearly with our Provider Access Policy.
Hethersett Academy careers education, information and guidance policy has the following aims:
- To provide impartial and independent advice for all pupils
- To prevent pupils leaving and becoming NEET
- To contribute to strategies for raising achievement, especially by increasing motivation
- To support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity
- To encourage participation in continued learning including higher education, further education and apprenticeships
- To develop enterprise and employment skills
- To reduce drop out from and course switching in education and training
- To contribute to the economic prosperity of individuals and communities
- To meet the needs of all our pupils through appropriate differentiation
- To focus pupils on their future aspirations
- To involve parents and carers
- To support the raising of the participation age and assist with positive destinations for all pupils post 16, 17 and 18
Hethersett specific:
Year 7:
- Careers week assemblies
- Careers lessons delivered by our Careers Lead
- Access to Uniforg
Year 8:
- Options evening assembly
- Option evening
- Options parents evening
- 1:1 careers interview for options support
- Careers week assemblies
- Careers lessons delivered by our Careers Lead
- Access to Uniforg
Year 9:
- Careers week assemblies
- Careers lessons delivered by our Careers Lead
- Access to Uniforg
Year 10:
- Careers week assemblies
- Careers lessons delivered by our Careers Lead
- Work experience
- Access to Uniforg
- 1:1 initial careers interview
Year 11:
- 13 week careers time form programme
- Futures Evening on 16+ careers advice & guidance
- Small group apprenticeship support
- Assemblies – including local colleges, 6th form providers & NCS
- Talks from local businesses and allumi
- 1:1 careers interview supporting 6th Form applications
- Access to Uniforg
Student Entitlement
All students in years 7-11 are entitled:
- to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
- to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
- to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
- Attend one dedicated careers lesson each academic year as part of their careers journey
Our careers programme is monitored regularly through the use of the Compass evaluation system. This programme enables us to identify gaps in provision and ensure that we quickly rectify any issues so that we can be confident about the programme that we offer our pupils. We also receive support and guidance from the New Anglia Enterprise Network and the Norwich Opportunity area to develop strategies to fill the gaps identified in the Compass evaluation system. Also, we collect regular feedback from students, parents and employers that is reviewed and allows us to make changes to the programme that we offer.
Our careers programme relies on the involvement of employers to be relevant and impactful.
Throughout the school year we hold careers assembly weeks where we invite employers from a wide range of sectors to speak to students about the different career opportunities that are available. We also invite employers into subject specific lessons to inspire and engage students.
Research from the Education and Employers Taskforce shows that a young person who has four or more meaningful encounters with an employer is 86% less likely to be unemployed or not in education or training and can earn up to 18% more during their career. (https://www.careersandenterprise.co.uk/employers/get-involved-business)
Aligning our careers programme to the school curriculum strengthens aspirations and attainment of our students and supports students to take action to achieve their full potential.
Our aim is to provide at least one meaningful encounter with an employer each year.
In order to achieve this, we need the continued support of local employers to share their experience and expertise to engage with our students.
Premises & Facilities
The school has a range of facilities that can be used to host careers events. Our theatre provides bleacher style seating for 170 students, a large screen with audio, computer and microphone for whole year group or large group talks and presentations
- All classrooms have desks,interactive whiteboards with sound and whiteboards for delivery
- When agreeing the date and year group for your session you should request the most suitable room
- All providers are able to leave further information, leaflets and prospectuses for students to refer to at a later date.
At Hethersett Academy will work alongside the local authority to monitor the progress and destinations of our students when they leave us.
Our top 6 providers for destinations in 2024 were:
- City College Norwich - 65
- Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form Free School - 45
- Wymondham College - 19
- Notre Dame High School - 16
- Easton College - 7
- Jane Austen College - 6
98% of our Year 11 students went on to further education, training or employment.
Our In-learning destinations - three-year comparison can be found below:
How to Get Involved
Students: If you would like to get more information about careers speak to Ms Ball or Mrs Lee.
Parents/Carers: If you want to get involved with our careers programme or would like to book your child a careers appointment, please contact janeemerson@inspirationtrust.org Additionally, to help you support your child with their futures, we recommend using the Unifrog website or LMI links on the main careers page.
Employers: A provider wishing to get involved in the programme should contact Anna Ball Careers Lead, who will manage your request.
Telephone: 01603 810924; Email: annaball@inspirationtrust.org
Staff: Ask Ms Ball to see how you can get involved internally.
If you would like to talk to someone in the school about our careers programme or leave feedback please contact: annaball@inspirationtrust.org
If you are an ex student and would like to be involved in Alumni please contact: janeemerson@inspirationtrust.org