Q&A for families - returning to Hethersett Academy as safely as possible
BackWhen will you reopen?
We will open to Year 10s from Monday 15th June - if the government confirms it is safe to do so.
Will you reopen full-time?
No, Year 10 will return to school on a part-time timetable. They will need to continue with remote learning for the rest of the time.
In school, children will be split into groups based on what subjects they are taking.
We will contact families directly to let them know when their child can attend school and to share timetables.
Which students can attend school?
Year 10 students can attend part-time.
The children of key workers and vulnerable children can attend full-time.
How are you preparing to reopen?
We’re taking a number of steps to make sure we can open as safely as possible. Our school is being deep cleaned over half term.
- We’ve installed sanitiser/handwashing stations in all of our classrooms
- We have no-touch thermometers
- Teachers have PPE for medical emergencies
- We have put up signs to remind students to wash their hands
- Perspex shields have been added to reception
- Corridors, classrooms and the canteen are marked every 2m to make social distancing clear
- Desks/workstations will be moved apart
How will you keep my child safe at school?
Children will be split into groups - known as bubbles - based on what subjects they study. They will stay with their group throughout the day. Different groups won’t mix. Each group will have their own dedicated outside space and toilets.
- Half the number of students will be in each classroom
- Desks/workstations will be moved apart
- Social distancing markers throughout the school
- Handwashing/sanitising will happen before entering and leaving the school
- Encouraging regular handwashing/sanitising
- In the toilets, middle sinks will be closed off so that students are distanced when using them
- Personal belongings (food, pens, books etc.) won’t be shared
- Doors will be propped open to minimise touching door handles
- A one-way system will be in place to minimise movement around school
- Only teachers/teams timetabled to be in school will attend – minimal visitors
Will there be increased cleaning?
Yes. Over half term the school will be deep cleaned.
We will also be increasing cleaning throughout the school day. This includes:
- Touch points, such as handrails and door handles
- Toilets
- Emptying of bins
- Tables and surfaces
We will also have a weekly deep clean of all spaces in use.
Will children be social distancing?
Yes, we will be encouraging social distancing and there will be markers on the floor throughout the school. Each group will also have dedicated outside space and toilets.
Children will have a staggered arrival to the school and there will also be a staggered end to the day.
In shared areas, such as toilets, some sinks will be closed off to make sure people are distanced from each other.
How will teachers be protected?
We will reduce the number of teachers onsite at any one time and we will reduce the amount of students they work with each day.
We have PPE available for teachers dealing with medical emergencies and hygiene packs for each member of staff. Each staff member will also have their own keyboard and mouse.
Teachers will be 2m away from students when teaching. Teachers will only teach the same group of students each day.
What will my child be learning?
Our teaching teams will be helping to prepare children for their GCSE exams next year. They will be taught their chosen subjects. This will be detailed in their timetable.
Will there be a different timetable?
Yes. Your child will only come to school on certain days and, on these days, every other week. These dates are included on your child’s timetable. If you have any queries about your child’s timetable, please contact francescadarke@inspirationtrust.org. This timetable will run up to Friday 10th July.
The week beginning 13th July will be an opportunity for students to be taught their options subjects onsite all week. We will be in touch with more details regarding this.
How will my child travel to/from school?
To make sure children are as safe as possible, your child will need to make some changes to the way they travel to school and return home. They must social distance during their journey.
We have published detailed information about travelling to/from school here.
How will my child enter/leave school?
They will arrive between 8.40am and 9am through the front entrance to the school. Arrival times will be staggered to prevent children from gathering together. We will contact families directly to let them know when their child will need to arrive/leave school.
Once children have arrived at school, they will enter using the front entrance. There will be markings on the floor 2m apart, to help children social distance. Our team will be there to guide them. Children will use hand sanitiser while entering the school and go straight to their classrooms.
Year 10 students will be dismissed from 3.30pm (Monday-Friday). They will be dismissed at 5 minute intervals and one child at a time. Please see your child’s timetable for details of their dismissal time.
Will there be changes to how children move around school?
Yes. There will be a one-way system to make sure children can social distance.
Students wishing to use the toilet will also be encouraged to do so before lunch, where the classroom teacher will call a designated staff member to escort the student to and from the toilet.
In the toilets, only alternating sinks are being used. These will be clearly marked.
In the event a student needs the toilet when outside during break or lunch, they must inform the duty staff who will contact a designated member of staff to escort the student to and from the toilet.
Will you provide lunch for my child?
During break there won't be a food service, please send your child with a snack and drink.
Lunch will last 20 minutes. There a few food options for children:
- They can bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag - lunch boxes shouldn't be used
- They can order a hot or cold lunch for delivery to their classroom - these will need to be paid for in advance using ParentMail - no cash can be used at school
- If children are entitled to a Free School Meals, they will continue to get these for free
Will my child be able to use outside space?
Yes, they will be able to go outside with their group. They will have a dedicated outside space.
They will sanitise their hands when they leave and re-enter the building.
How will breaks and lunch time work?
Breaks and lunch times will be staggered to make sure different groups don't mix. During breaks, students will stay in their groups and will be encouraged to use their designated outside space. They can also remain in their classroom, if preferred.
Students will use hand sanitiser on re-entering the building after break and lunch.
During break there won't be a food service, please send your child with a snack and drink.
Lunch will last 20 minutes. There a few food options for children:
- They can bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag - lunch boxes shouldn't be used
- They can order a hot or cold lunch for delivery to their classroom - these will need to be paid for in advance using ParentMail - no cash can be used at school
- If children are entitled to a Free School Meals, they will continue to get these for free
There will also be a 10-15 minute break during the afternoon.
Will my child have to wear uniform?
Yes, but they won’t need to wear their tie or blazer. This is to make washing uniforms easier. Uniforms need to be washed at the end of the school day.
Second hand uniform is available from Student Support, if families need to access it.
What can my child bring to school?
Children should only bring essential items to school.
This can include:
- A packed lunch in a disposable bag
- A snack/drink for break
- A water bottle
- A calculator
Students shouldn't bring any stationary to school - we will provide this. Children won't be able to share equipment.
How will you support children's wellbeing?
We will have a dedicated pastoral team at school. A member of pastoral team will be allocated to each group to provide support.
They will be based in our MFL classrooms and will operate on an on-call basis using a walkie talkie system. They will be available for your child’s pastoral needs.
Is there support for children with SEN?
Yes. Children with SEN will continue to receive targeted support from our SEN team.
My child has received a letter from the NHS saying they should be shielding. Do they have to attend?
No. If they have received a letter from the NHS instructing them to shield, we don’t expect them to attend school.
What if my child has an underlying health condition/lives with someone in a clinically vulnerable group?
The government has published advice on what to do if your child or anyone in your household has a health condition.
What if my child has Covid-19 symptoms?
Students must not attend school if they, or anyone in their household, displays symptoms of Covid-19.
If a student develops symptoms at school, they will need to go home and self-isolate for 7 days. Other household members should then self-isolate for 14 days.
Please read government guidance for more information.
What if someone in our household has Covid-19 symptoms?
Students must not attend school if they, or anyone in their household, displays symptoms of Covid-19. Please read government guidance for more information.
Will you continue to look after key workers' (critical workers) children?
We will continue to offer full-time care for the children of key workers and vulnerable children.
Will remote learning continue?
Yes, we will continue to deliver remote learning to the year groups not in school. More information about remote learning is available here.
What should I do if I have questions?
If you have questions, please email or phone the school. Teachers won’t be available to talk to in person.