Hethersett Academy Awarded the Inspiration Trust Sports Cup 2021-2022
During the academic year 2021-2022, nine schools across Norfolk and West Suffolk took part in the annual Inspiration Trust-wide Sports Competition. The sporting events included; football, swimming, badminton, rugby, netball, tennis and culminated at the end of the year in the Champions Day, athletics meet.
Every participant played their sport with enthusiasm and determination, while also demonstrating admirable sportsmanship in cheering on their competitors, as well as their fellow team mates from the sidelines.
King Edward VII Academy took Third Place, East Point Academy took Second Place and Hethersett Academy were awarded First Place, having accumulated the most points from each event.
This October, Hethersett Academy’s Sports Department and a selection of students involved in the sporting events were presented with the Inspiration Trust Sports Cup by Trust Sports Coordinator, Paul Wayman who said:
“Everyone involved in the competition represented their headteacher, school and themselves with pride, however Hethersett Academy ensured that they had representative teams at every tournament, and excelled in their sporting performance at each event. Congratulations to Hethersett Academy for this achievement!”