World Book Day 2025

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March 7th 2025

It was World Book Day on March 6th and we took the opportunity to host a Big Book Swap in the Library during breaks and lunchtime. Students and staff were invited to donate up to five books each from their own collections, childrens, juvenile and young adult books, fiction or non-fiction. In exchange, they received one coupon for each book they donate, which they redeemed for a different book.

Copies of The Hethersett Press were also available for students to pick up, read and take away!

Over the day 229 books in total were swapped! A huge amount of books changing hands and lots of home libraries receiving new books as a result. It is so encouraging to see students getting involved with these initiatives and embracing the opportunities on offer at our academy.

Reading and developing literacy skills are key to understanding in all subjects, as a foundation for learning that carries throughout everyone's lives. World Book Day is a great reason to bring this to the forefront of minds, whilst also creating fun experiences for our students!